
IAG Class Guidelines

Class Guidelines
Ms. Mason
Integrated Algebra/Geometry1

E-mail address:

In order to have a successful, challenging, and exciting class certain guidelines must be set. This sheet contains most of the basic guidelines. As with most things in life there may be changes, deletions, and additions as the year progresses. If there are ever any concerns about these procedures please bring them to my attention so that I may address them.

I. Classroom Etiquette

A. Students are expected to be respectful to each other, all property, and myself at all times. This includes being quiet while someone else is speaking.

B. Students are to bring all of their supplies to class everyday. This includes their textbook, notebook (three-ring binder with dividers), notes, homework, and pencils.

C. Group work is essential to this class, students will need to work together in order to be successful.

D. Students will be issued two hall passes every quarter to use as the need arises. These passes can be used to go to the bathroom, lockers, etc. It is the students' responsibility to keep track of their passes since they will not be replaced if lost. Any unused passes can be turned in at the end of the quarter for extra credit points.

E. Students are reminded not to leave anything on my desk. Papers just placed on top of my desk may be lost. Please give it to me directly so that I can immediately put it away.

II. Grades will be determined as follows:

A. Tests/Quizzes - 50% (Notebooks count as a test grade.)

B. Participation - 10%

C. Homework/Classwork - 40%

D. I plan, within a couple of weeks, to post current grades on the side board every Monday. This will allow the student to see his progress. Students will be assigned random numbers to identify their scores. If at any time a question arises as to the way grades are posted please bring it to my attention as soon as possible.

E. Students will determine their own participation grade. I may make comments about how we feel the student participated; however, the student's grade will not be changed without the approval of the student. This method of determining a student's participation in this class is an effort to raise the awareness of the student to his or her own actions.

III. Notebook

A. The notebook should be a three ring blinder with the following 4 sections labeled accordingly: Notes, Classwork/Homework, Technology, and Warm-Ups.

B. Class time will be spent to help students set up their notebooks in class.

C. This will be graded twice a quarter and will count as a test grade!

D. Students may use their notebooks for all Quizzes and Tests. Can I make this class any easier? Therefore, it is important to make sure they are kept current and up to date.

IV. Homework Policy - Homework will be assigned when it appropriately corresponds with the text. I will not accept homework late.

V. TUTORING: Math department tutoring offered every Thursday beginning at 3:00 p.m. (I am also available almost any other day without an appointment.) I will be available to go over class notes, go over homework assignments, to assist you with make-up assignments, to review for upcoming tests and quizzes, to answer state testing questions, etc. Remember, coaches rather have you miss a little bit of practice if it keeps you off the scratch list, so don’t try to use sports as an excuse not to come. I will write excuse notes to the coaches so that they do know that you were getting math help. Remember to take advantage of this opportunity; I must have a signed permission form.

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