
Entry #1

Blogs in the classroom

After this morning's lesson on blogs and setting up one for myself, I spent some time looking at how blogs can be used in the classroom. This article written by Scott Huette not only describes blogs but lists the many ways they can be used in the classroom.

It is suggests that teachers new to blogging start small. Their blog may begin by listing homework assignments, class news, and other information for both parents and students. This can be developed to include writing prompts for students, online readings for students to comment on, surveys, online book clubs, completed examples of classwork, links to content related websites, a place to encourage students to comment on topics being discussed in class, etc.

I plan to continue to research this topic and find blogs that math teachers across the country have set up for their classes. Hopefully, I can begin to experiment with this technology during this upcoming school year.

current issue: blogs
possible solution: training and time for teachers to research this topic in their content area

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